PADI Advanced Open Water Course

Exploration, excitement, experiences, the 3 `E`s, they are what the PADI Advanced Open Water Course is about.

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Exploration, excitement, experiences, the 3 `E`s, they are what the PADI Advanced Open Water Course is about.

No, you don’t have to be “advanced” to take it – it is designed so you can go straight into it after the PADI Open Water Course.

The Advanced Open Water Course helps you increase your confidence and build your scuba skills so you can become more comfortable in the water.

This is a great way to get more dives under your belt whilst continuing to learn under the supervision of your PADI instructor.

This course builds on what you have learnt and develops new capabilities by introducing you to new activities and new ways to have fun scuba diving.-


What you will do:
You will hone your skills by completing 5 Adventure Dives.

Two are compulsory, these are Deep and Navigation. There are however 12 other Adventure Dives you can choose from.

You will pick 3 other Adventure Dives of your choice, they will also depend on where you complete your course.


What are the dives I can choose from?

You can choose 3 from the following:- altitude diving, boat diving, digital underwater imaging, dry suit diving, fish identification, night diving, peak performance diving, search and recovery, underwater naturalist, wreck diving, surface marker buoy.

You will love the Advanced Open Water Course, you can discuss with your instructor what you would like to do, depending on where you do the course.

Get credit!! – each Adventure Dive in the PADI Advanced Open Water Course may credit towards the first dive of the corresponding PADI Speciality Diver Course.

The knowledge and skills you get in the Advanced Open Water Course will vary with your interest and the adventures you have. Deep and Navigation are required then you can select your 3 preferred Adventure dives from the list below.


Deep Dive: you will learn the aspects of deep diving, the physiological effects deep diving has on us and the environment

Navigation: how to use an underwater compass, how to navigate using kick cycles, visual land marks and time. 


Altitude diving:- diving 3oo metres above sea level, how to use different rdp tables, comparing the tables to normal rdp tables, how diving at altitude is different, the physiological concerns of diving at altitude.

Boat Diving:- the advantages of boat diving, learning boat terminology, safety and emergency equipment.

Digital Underwater Imaging:- introduction, underwater imaging systems, setting up housing and systems.

Drift Diving:- currents, types of drift diving, drift diving equipment, drift diving techniques, hazards and problems.

Dry Suit Diving:- advantages of dry suit diving, different types of dry suit, how to look after and care for your dry suit.

Fish Identification:- fish groups and characteristics, surveys, caring for our ocean.

Night Diving:- night diving equipment, dive lights, planning a night dive, night diving techniques.

Peak Performance Buoyancy:- proper weighting, buoyancy basics and trim.

Search and Recovery:- two types of search, potential hazards, planning, underwater searches, recovery procedures.

Underwater Naturalist:- eco systems, human perception of aquatic life, interactions with aquatic life, conservation.

Wreck Diving:- wreck diving and the law, hazards and safety of wreck diving, navigating and assessing a wreck.

Surface Marker Buoy [SMB]:– different types of SMB and what they are used for, safety of using an SMB, deployment of an SMB

Project Aware:- there are different types of project aware courses: Coral conservation, shark conservation and debris

To take this course you must be :-
A PADI Open Water Diver [or qualifying certification from another training organisation]
15 years old [12 for Jr Advanced Open Water]

You will need your normal dive gear of BCD, regulators and cylinder which will be provided.

Check with your instructor what extra equipment you will need as it will vary by course and environment.

Is there is an exam at the end of each section or at the end of the course?

There is no exam, there is however a knowledge review at the end of each chosen section these need to be filled in.

Your instructor will go through these knowledge reviews with you, this is also an opportunity for any questions you may have.

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4 + 4 =

Eastpoint Scuba
Co/ Nirvana Gym
60 Pinbush Road
NR33 7NL

T: 01502 562135
M: 07970 870685

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